Sunday, 7 September 2014
INA LOU: Memori Tentang Timor Leste
Tak sedikit warga Timor Leste yang ingin keluar dari daerah karena tidak ingin dengan Indonesia.
Termasuk Maria Madeira, seniman asal Timor Leste yang menghabiskan waktunya di Autralia.
Ia mengingat semua kejadian yang ada di Timor Leste ketika tragedi antara Indonesia dan Timor Leste.
Maria mengingat memorinya di Timor Leste dengan media seni rupa.
Karyanya tersebut pertama kalinya ditampilkan di Indonesia pada Jumat malam (5/9) dengan tema INA LOU atau dalam bahasa Timor yang berarti Ibu pertiwi, di Galeri Cipta II , Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta.
Dengan memori-memorinya dia menjadi wanita Timor leste pertama yang menggelar pameran karya seni di Indonesia.
"Ini adalah pameran yang paling berkesan untuk saya. Karena pameran ini pertama kali di Indonesia dan pesan saya tersampaikan untuk hubungan Indonesia dan Timor Leste," ucap Maria ketika ditemui saat pembukaan pameran di TIM, Jakarta.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Indultu ba Prizioneira Lucia, Desizaun PR Sala ba Kondenadu Korruptu
Husi : Florencio Ximenes
DILI: Sosiedade Sivil no deputadu sira iha bankada Parlamentu Nasionál hatete, Prezidente Repúblika iha kompetensia fó indultu ba prizoneiru sira ne’e tuir Konstituisaun, maibé konsidera desizaun ne’e sala ba kondenadu korruptu hanesan eis Ministra Lucia Lobatu.
Entetantu, Primeiru Ministru Interinu, Fernando La Sama de Araujo no Xefi Caza Sivil, Fidelis Magalhaens konsidera desizaun ne’e tuir konstituisaun RDTL.
Tuir Fidelis katak, desizaun PR nian bazeia ba rajaun umanitaria forte no kreadibel, ne’ebé la trava desizaun judisiál.
Maibé, Organizasaun Naun-Govermental Lalenok Ba Ema Hotu (LABEH) no Luta Hamutuk konsidera desizaun ne’e hamate ona dignidade Prezidente Repúblika rasik.
Diretór Ezekutivu LABEH, Gil Da Silva Guterres hatete, LABEH la kontente tebes ho desizaun Prezidente Repúblika Taur Matan Ruak ne’ebé fó indultu ba prizoneira Lucia Lobatu iha selebrasaun loron Konsulta Popular 30 fulan-Agostu tinan ida ne’e.
Gil konsidera desizaun PR Taur fó indultu ba kondenadu korruptu eis Ministra Justisa Lucia Lobatu ne’e hanesan toleransia ba korruptu sira.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Timor Leste, Lawan Perdana Indonesia di Asian Games 2014
Seperti apa jadwal lengkap Indonesia di Grup E?
VIVAbola - Setelah dua edisi absen, tim nasional (timnas) Indonesia dipastikan tampil kembali pada Asian Games XVII yang digelar di Incheon, Korea Selatan, 9 September-4 Oktober 2014.
Pada babak penyisihan, Indonesia berada di Grup E bersama Maladewa, Timor Leste, dan Thailand. Dua tim teratas akan mendapat kesempatan melaju ke babak 16 besar yang menggunakan sistem gugur.
Perjalanan Indonesia akan dimulai pada 5 September 2014. Di laga perdana, Garuda Muda yang dihuni pemain-pemain U-23 dan tiga pemain senior akan bertemu dengan Timor Leste di Goyang Stadium.
Indonesia U-23 dan Timor Leste terakhir kali bertemu pada SEA Games 2013. Sama-sama tergabung di Grup B, Timor Leste sempat memaksa Garuda Jaya bermain imbang tanpa gol di babak penyisihan.
Our land is girt by oil-rich sea … that we steal from East Timor
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Our land is girt by oil-rich sea … that we steal from East Timor
Clinton Fernandes
Australia has been flouting international law since 2002, taking billions of dollars in oil revenue that should rightfully belong to East Timor. No wonder we’re being so cagey about the East Timor spying allegations.
In the Senate yesterday, independent Senator Nick Xenophon asked Attorney-General George Brandis about reports in the Fairfax press that a former spy and his lawyer might be charged with disclosing classified information about Australian espionage against East Timor.
East Timor is alleging before a three-person arbitration panel in The Hague that Australia breached international law by bugging East Timor’s cabinet rooms during the 2004 bilateral negotiations over the Timor Sea Treaty. A key witness for East Timor is a former spy who is said to be the director of all technical operations for the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, which allegedly conducted the bugging operation using the Australian aid program as a cover. On December 3, 2013, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation raided his house and the office and home of Bernard Collaery, a former attorney-general of the Australian Capital Territory who is providing legal advice to the government of East Timor. ASIO seized documents and data containing correspondence between East Timor’s government and its legal advisers.
Our land is girt by oil-rich sea … that we steal from East Timor
Clinton Fernandes
Australia has been flouting international law since 2002, taking billions of dollars in oil revenue that should rightfully belong to East Timor. No wonder we’re being so cagey about the East Timor spying allegations.
In the Senate yesterday, independent Senator Nick Xenophon asked Attorney-General George Brandis about reports in the Fairfax press that a former spy and his lawyer might be charged with disclosing classified information about Australian espionage against East Timor.
East Timor is alleging before a three-person arbitration panel in The Hague that Australia breached international law by bugging East Timor’s cabinet rooms during the 2004 bilateral negotiations over the Timor Sea Treaty. A key witness for East Timor is a former spy who is said to be the director of all technical operations for the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, which allegedly conducted the bugging operation using the Australian aid program as a cover. On December 3, 2013, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation raided his house and the office and home of Bernard Collaery, a former attorney-general of the Australian Capital Territory who is providing legal advice to the government of East Timor. ASIO seized documents and data containing correspondence between East Timor’s government and its legal advisers.
Timor-Leste salva mapa democrático do Sudeste Asiático
Por Agência Lusa
publicado em 30 Ago 2014 - 11:00
Os processos eleitorais em Timor-Leste têm sido elogiados pela comunidade internacional, embora tenham existido algumas acusações de compra de votos
A experiência democrática da jovem nação de Timor-Leste tem-se destacado na região do Sudeste Asiático, onde a maioria dos ensaios de democratização ainda sofrem constantes testes de resistência.
Timor-Leste é o único país do Sudeste Asiático que ainda não foi aceite como membro pleno da Associação das Nações do Sudeste Asiático (ASEAN), cujo objetivo político principal é "fortalecer a democracia, melhorar a boa governança e o Estado de Direito e promover e proteger os direitos humanos e as liberdades fundamentais".
Metade dos Estados-membros da ASEAN são liderados por monarquias constitucionais ou regimes comunistas e os valores democráticos apregoados são facilmente postos em causa, como a liberdade religiosa ou o direito à manifestação.
publicado em 30 Ago 2014 - 11:00
Xanana Mari Dansa Demokrasia |
A experiência democrática da jovem nação de Timor-Leste tem-se destacado na região do Sudeste Asiático, onde a maioria dos ensaios de democratização ainda sofrem constantes testes de resistência.
Timor-Leste é o único país do Sudeste Asiático que ainda não foi aceite como membro pleno da Associação das Nações do Sudeste Asiático (ASEAN), cujo objetivo político principal é "fortalecer a democracia, melhorar a boa governança e o Estado de Direito e promover e proteger os direitos humanos e as liberdades fundamentais".
Metade dos Estados-membros da ASEAN são liderados por monarquias constitucionais ou regimes comunistas e os valores democráticos apregoados são facilmente postos em causa, como a liberdade religiosa ou o direito à manifestação.
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