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Tuesday, 23 April 2013

MP Questions Cigarette Ads In Public Places

A Member of Parliament has strongly questioned the use of cigarette advertising in public places because of the negative impacts on people’s health, especially young people. 

MP Josefa Alvares Soares said, as Timor-Leste is a new country with a small population, when the government does not pay attention to this problem it can be a big threat to human resources because now Timor-Leste has a high instance of tuberculosis and cancer also.

“They must put worthy advertising and the government should agree to put it in a public place,” said MP Soares in National Parliament. 

In the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Constitution, article 53 says the law will regulate and ban advertising that tries to mislead or trick people. 

Therefore MP Soares asked the government to look into the issue as some companies are advertising a new cigarette 23 in public. 

“We know that cigarettes can have a negative impact on people’s health,” she said. 

She added in the first legislation concerns were raised by MPs and they recommended the government create a regulation when advertising for LA Cigarettes started in public places, but in reality this did not happen and even worse, the government facilitated the advertising. 

On the other hand, World Health Organization Representative in Timor-Leste Dr Jorge Mario Luna said he was surprised and sad when he saw the advertisement for a new cigarette called 23 in a public place.

“I am sad because Timor-Leste has signed the international convention on controlling tobacco but continues putting the advertisement of cigarettes in public places,” said Dr Luna.

He suggested the government of Timor-Leste must ban tobacco advertising in order to protect the health of Timorese people. 

He said the state of Timor-Leste is not serious about implementing the international convention on controlling tobacco, as there is no regulation to ban these advertisements and to forbid smoking in public places.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

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