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Friday, 17 May 2013

President TMR concerned about F-FDTL’s human resources

The Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) Deputy Commander, Bridger General Filomeno Paixao said President of the Republic Taura Matan Ruak (TMR) was concerned about human resources within the country’s defense force.

The commander made the comments after meeting with TMR, talking on security situation of the country.

The president recognized that, human resources were very important for F-FDTL, but this was a national problem, meaning that every state institution had its own human resources problem.

The president also said Timor-Leste not only needed human resources at high level of education such as s1 or master degree, but it also needed nationalism and patriotism to move forward with the country’s development.

Jornal Independente
May 16 2013

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